測試光害濾鏡 ZWO Seestar S50 with Antlia Triband RGB Ultra filter

分類: 器材情報 Equipment, 觀測報告 Observations
昨夜天氣不錯,開車到新界西基地繼續玩Seestar,先趁月落前在路旁拍一下月亮,到埗拍幾個深空天體,特別試用了第三方的遮罩及Antlia Triband RGB Ultra光害濾鏡,這個在香港這種光害嚴重而又想拍全光譜目標如星團、星系及反射星雲來說特別有效, 不過因為大氣透明度還是略低,所以M20的藍色雲氣及七姊妹星團的雲氣表現力仍不足,另一原因是因為基地四週植被較多濕度較高,所以濾鏡很容易結露水,局限了曝光時間。今間晚加防露發熱帶試試。我們這週六晚的觀星實習,會示範Seestar操作方法並用Celestron EdgeHD14大鏡看土星及木星
Last night the weather was nice, so I drove to our base in the New Territories west to continue playing with Seestar. Before the moon set, I took a photo of the moon by the roadside, and then I captured several deep sky objects after that. I specifically tried using a third-party dewshield and the Antlia Triband RGB Ultra light pollution filter In a place like Hong Kong with severe light pollution, it is particularly effective for capturing full spectrum targets such as star clusters, galaxies, and reflection nebulae. However, due to slightly low atmospheric transparency and the presence of vegetation and higher humidity around the base, the performance of capturing the blue clouds of M20 and the clouds of the Pleiades star cluster was still insufficient. Another reason is that the filter easily gets dew on it, limiting the exposure time. I will try using a dew heater tonight to prevent that.  This Saturday evening's stargazing workshop will demonstrate the operation of Seestar and use the Celestron EdgeHD14 telescope to observe Saturn and Jupiter.
The next batch of Seestar has been shipped, and it is expected that enthusiasts who placed their orders before noon on September 14th can receive it by next Monday. If you're interested, you can pre-order by paying a 10% deposit at
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