南美洲智利天文觀測及數據服務 Astronomical observation and data service in Chile South America

分類: 技術項目 Projects
星河科研社已簽訂合同,將於南美洲智利投放天文望遠鏡,為某領導性科研單位提供天文觀測及數據服務。與過往數年星河科研社著推動的天文望遠鏡硬件項目不同,這次要交付的就只是一根USB key,但價值郤媲美一台科研級望遠鏡。
Galaxy Scientific Group have signed contract with a leading research institute, will set up astronomical telescopes in Chile South America to provide astronomical observation and data service. Unlike previous hardware projects, this is a purely scientific data collection service, what we provide is a USB key but worths a research class telescope. 
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