中學生觀星實習 Secondary school student stargazing activities

分類: 天文活動 Activities
昨晚活動基地同時進行三個不同機構及學校的中學生觀星活動。受客觀因素影響,不少學生過去兩三年來一直未有機會使用過天文望遠鏡觀星。可幸天公造美,由入黑後在西方低空呈半月型的金星、到高掛南方天空的木星土星月球、到天頂的牛郎織女夏季大三角,再到東丠方仙后天區的深空天體一個個精采目標呈現眼前。其中一組是暑假期間磨鏡班的學生,昨晚用自己早前磨製的130 f/5牛頓反射鏡,配合月面圖辨別月面地貎及嘗試拍攝,為整個活動劃上完滿句號。資優教育學苑的天文學生更提出下次能否取消授課環節改為全觀星活動.... 

Thanks to the very good weather yesterday night, all 3 secondary school student stargazing activities was very successful, because of the situations in last 2 to 3 years, many of the students had not been able to see through a telescope, they was so excited and some even request cancelling teaching lessons next session and switch to purely stargazing. 

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