Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini & its Set Limited Time Offer 星野⾚道儀 (迷你版)及其套裝限時優惠

分類: 市場訊息 Market update
為了迎接新年來臨,本社推出星野⾚道儀 (迷你版)及其套裝限時優惠!套裝包括以下組件:星野赤道儀 (迷你版)、L型調節座、配重組件、極軸仰角調節座。

星野⾚道儀 (迷你版) 承重3kg,內置WiFi,可透過智能手機遙控,高精度、高穩定性的移動式相機攝影追蹤系統令其非常適用於需長時間曝光的天文攝影及日夜間縮時攝影。此⾚道儀十分輕巧,方便收藏攜帶,是入門天文攝影用赤道儀的理想選擇。


Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini 星野⾚道儀 (迷你版)

Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini Set 星野赤道儀 (迷你版套裝)

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, our group has launched the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini and its sets limited time offer! The set includes the following components: Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini, dovetail L-bracket, counter weight set, equatorial wedge.

Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini has a capacity of 3kg. The built-in WiFi enables it to be remotely controlled via smartphones. The high-precision, stable camera tracking platform makes it ideal for long exposure astrophotography and time-lapse photography, both daytime and nighttime settings. This mount is very handy and portable, thus, perfect for astrophotography beginners.

Offer valid while stocks last. Please feel free to contact us for more information or orders. Credit cards, PayMe, Alipay accepted.
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